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Competitive Programming

Competitive programming is a great way to improve your problem solving skills and prepare for technical interviews. It is also a great way to meet other students who are interested in computer science. While there are teams at both CAS and Tandon, any student can join either (or both) clubs.


Technical Interview Prep

  • Leetcode - the defacto standard for preparing for technical interviews
  • Hackerrank - another popular site for practicing technical interview questions
  • Project Euler - a site with math problems that can be solved with programming

Competitive Programming

  • Codeforces - a popular site for competitive programming
  • Kattis - another site for competitive programming



Every year, the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is held. It is a global competition where teams of 3 students compete against each other. First, there are the regional competitions. For NYU this is the Greater New York Region (GNYR). The top few teams (exact amount varies per year) will advance to the North America Championship (NAC). The top few teams from NAC will advance to the World Finals. The competition is usually held in the fall semester.

As a result of NYU acquiring Polytechnic (Tandon), NYU sends teams for both schools separately and teams cannot have a mix of CAS and Tandon students (Tandon students must be on the Tandon team and non-Tandon students must be registered on the CAS team). Both schools send multiple teams to the regional competition, usually 3 (6 teams in total).