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Vertically Integrated Projects

Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) are a unique long-term and large-scale project led by a faculty member at NYU. After applying, accepted students enroll in a VIP course in Albert like any other class. VIP can be taken for credit, usually 1. Up to 6 credits can be earned over multiple semesters. Different VIP teams have different needs and requirements. Generally, you can expect to spend a couple hours per week on VIP. VIP is a great way to get involved in research and work on a project that you are passionate about. VIP is also a great way to meet other students and faculty.


A full list of teams is available on the NYU website.

CS Wiki also has an organized list of teams sorted by category with short descriptions to help quickly differentiate them. They are accessible in the sidebar under VIPs.

How to Apply

On each team's page, there will be a link to an application form. Students can apply to VIP teams when registration opens for the upcoming semester. After being accepted by a team, you must enroll before the add/drop deadline in Albert. For more details, see the NYU website.